Gaston kicks his way to defeat

France’s Hugo Gaston has lost his round two match at the P2 Advisory Canberra International.

It didn’t come without drama.

Canberra: 4 January 2023 – France’s Hugo Gaston discussing a line call during a round 2 match at the Canberra International tournament. Photo by Rob Keating,

The world no. 108 who back in late November won the Roanne ATP Challenger event, wasn’t happy with some of the line calls.

As he was changing ends he took out his frustration by leaping and kicking the base of the umpires chair, that earned him a warning.

Canberra: 4 January 2023 – France’s Hugo Gaston walking to his chair during a round 2 match at the Canberra International tournament. A moment later he kicked the umpires chair. Photo by Rob Keating,

Not long after audible obsenity was to earn him a point penalty.

Canberra: 4 January 2023 – France’s Hugo Gaston continues to remonstrate with theumpire during a round 2 match at the Canberra International tournament. Photo by Rob Keating,

The match continued with Gaston showing his frustration as he battled Switzerland’s Leandro Riedi, the world no. 157.

Canberra: 4 January 2023 – Switzerland’s Leandro Riedl during a round 2 match at the Canberra International tournament. Photo by Rob Keating,

A service break came for Gaston and in a split second he decided to kick a ball hit in his direction, he connected well and sent the ball over the back fence.

Canberra: 4 January 2023 – Hugo Gaston kicks at a ball in frustration during a round 2 match at the Canberra International tournament. He connected well and sent it over the back fence earning a game penalty. Photo by Rob Keating,

Having a ball leave the playing area is normally enough to earn a warning, but for Gaston he had already been docked a point, the next step was to have a game penalty.

Canberra: 4 January 2023 – Hugo Gaston manages to keep calm after receiving a game penalty during a round 2 match at the Canberra International tournament. Photo by Rob Keating,

Suddenly the Frenchman was down 1-4. He would not recover and Gaston lost the match 6-4, 6-2.

Gaston did manage to regroup and he teamed up to win a doubles match with Luca Van Assche.

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